4 Tips to Clean Your Dog's Teeth and Leave With Both Hands

4 Tips to Clean Your Dog's Teeth and Leave With Both Hands

Let me ask you a question. How often do you brush your dog’s teeth?

Don’t worry guys, this isn’t the dog dentist’s office. No one’s gonna get in trouble.

You’ve probably never brushed your dog’s teeth right? I know when I was a kid I personally thought the idea of brushing a dog’s teeth was a bit silly. If dogs were supposed to clean their teeth they would have been endowed with the means to do so. Wolves and undomesticated dogs don’t floss, right?

Wrong, actually.

It wasn’t until I got older that I grew to understand that the diet of these wild animals consist mainly of raw meat from animals they kill, and so when they need to keep their teeth clean, gnawing on the bones of their prey does the trick. Someone’s pet on the other hand is most likely not being allowed to hunt wild animals and pick their teeth clean with the bones.

Your dog probably eats dry kibble with water mixed in or wet dog food. The soft, squishy texture of dog food like that can often cause bits and pieces of leftover food to remain trapped in-between your dog’s teeth and near the gum line, just like a human’s mouth.

So, just like a human’s mouth- you gotta clean it. If you don’t your dog’s mouth can get infected, and in very serious cases, never brushing your dog’s teeth could even lead to a risk of death.

Brushing your dog’s teeth seems like a daunting task but fear not, dear readers. I have a few tips and tricks to offer you that will make cleaning your dog’s teeth a snap.

Teeth Brushing Tips

1. Tooth brushing is foreign to your dog. Start slow, and ease your dog into the practice by dipping a finger in something tasty, and massaging their lips in small circles for thirty seconds to a minute a few times a day, for a few weeks. After that, move on to the teeth and the gums and repeat the process. Once your dog is comfortable with how this feels, introduce your dog to the toothpaste and brush you will be using.

Speaking of toothpaste for dogs, I really like the Organic Plaque and Tartar Fighting Gel from Pure and Natural Pet. It’s minty fresh, and I don’t have to worry about putting strange alien chemicals that I don’t understand in my dog’s mouth. Instead, this toothpaste is made from natural things like Peppermint, Grapefruit seed, and Grapeseed Oil. I haven’t even told you the best part. It only takes about a dime-sized amount to clean your dog’s mouth, so a two-ounce container of the gel will last for months!

2. Choose a time when your dog is relaxed, and kneel or sit in front of them. Using a light amount of pressure, lift your dog’s lips and gently brush their teeth, holding the brush at a 45-degree angle. This will help to hit both the teeth and the gum line while you brush.

3. After brushing the mouth horizontally finish by brushing the teeth vertically. Doing this will clear away any plaque that may have come loose as you were brushing.

I almost forgot to give you my recommendation for my favorite toothbrush! Pure and Natural Pet takes that honor again. It doesn’t get any better than their Bamboo Dog Toothbrush. The bristles are made from dental grade materials. The handle is made from Bamboo, and coated in wax for a better grip. It’s so simple, I love it. Then, you get the added bonus of the handle being naturally antimicrobial so it won’t get gross and even if it does, it’s also biodegradable so it won’t sit in a landfill and my conscience stays clean. I mean, Pure and Natural Pet really thought of everything didn’t they?

4. Ideally you should make brushing a daily routine, but it’s okay to start slow and work towards your dog letting you clean their teeth every day. Only brushing two to three times a week is perfectly fine to start off with.

Okay, now I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Are you ready for it? Just brushing alone is going to do wonders for your dog’s mouth… but if you really want your pooch to have fresh breath, you can combine a daily brushing routine (using your Pure and Natural Pet gel and brush, of course) with their Organic Plaque and Tartar Control Breath Spray. It will not only freshen your pet’s breath on non-brushing days but will actually help clean while it freshens! Pretty cool, right?

And that, dear readers, is my spiel on brushing your dog’s teeth. Like I said, I understand that brushing your dog’s teeth seems like an overwhelming and frivolous task, but it’s not. Not only will you be doing yourself a favor by making sure you don’t have to deal with horrible dog breath, you’ll also be actively working to preserve your dog’s longevity as well. Thanks for reading, and happy brushing!


  • Keep Doggie Safe

    Great question! Of course, the adult teeth are most important, but getting the dog used to having the brush in their mouth as early as possible is key. Some dogs have a really hard time adapting to it, so you’re doing great if you’re already getting your puppy accustomed to the feeling. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  • M Walker

    Do we start with puppy teeth, or wait for the permanent set to grow in? Our pup is 12 weeks old. I’m already getting him used to having my fingers in his mouth, but not a brush.

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